The weather in Óbidos

The weather in Óbidos: rain vs sun!

The Weather in Óbidos for Tomorrow, 10 days or 25 days!

The temperatures and weather in Óbidos are completely conditioned by the mountain range south of Montejunto.

We can have glorious days or simply filled with a mist that is capable of reaching the bones.

What we want to say is that this mountainous group creates what the locals call a "dear" micro-climate.

This "micro-climate" transforms our seasons in a unique way, transforming summers into times that are not too dry and our winters are not that rigorous.

Average temperature

To get a little idea of what we wrote in the previous paragraph, the micro-climate that is produced in this part of the coast runs at 15.6ºC annually, according to the Climate Data website.

This platform also tells us that 671 mm is the average annual rainfall. The month of July is the driest and the month of November the rainiest.

August is the month where the days are warmest reaching an average temperature of 20ºC and January with 11.3ºC is the lowest.

10 Day Weather Forecast

The best way to forecast the weather for the village of Óbidos for the next 10 days is to consult the meteorological website of the Portuguese Meteorological Institute

If you like Surf or Golf Find the Time for Óbidos in the next 25 days

The municipality of Óbidos is known among many other things for the practice of sport!

Here you can practice surfing on many of the extensive beaches that exist here, and many of them empty!

You can practice water sports like KiteSurf, WindSurf, Paddle, SUP among many others because the wind here in the West is fantastic for these activities.

Or, if you prefer the "green" you choose golf, usually the atmospheric conditions in Óbidos allow your practice almost all year round.

In this sense, we take the opportunity to introduce you to the WindGuru platform that is more specific for this type of situations!

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